Page name: Ambrosia's Kitchen [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-10-03 23:43:24
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A nice sized room with pots and pans everywhere. 3 large refridgeratars line the wall on the far right side. A giant stove is on the left. There are a few knifes scattered around. As you take another step closer to the counter, the cook looks up and says "Ello mate. Can I get you anything?"


Following links is where all RPing can be done:
Dead Mans Cove
The capt's quaters
Ambrosia's Cargo-hold
Below The Ambrosia's Deck
Ambrosia’s Brig
Ambrosia’s Weapon Room
Ambrosia's Crow Nest
Ambrosia's Kitchen
Ambrosia's Town
Ambrosia's Quarterdeck
Pandora's Stable


Back to: The Ambrosia

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2006-03-08 [~I'm So Confused~]: Thank you for the very nice kitchen

2006-03-08 [DarkRedKrueger]: Emilia finishes the sandwich and nods to Dae, "Thanks sweets I needed that."

2006-03-08 [Bookwyrm]: ::enters the kitchen, Voodoo at her feet:: Sorry to bother you love, but could I get a bit of milk for Voodoo here? I need some time she keeps sitting on top of my books...

2006-03-08 [Ikari]: Daemoin finishes his sandwich and yawns some then looks for something to drink

2006-03-09 [Bookwyrm]: ::pours milk into a small silver bowl (one of her own) and carries it out of the kitchen, making sure Voodoo leaves with her::

2006-03-10 [japegrin]: *snitches a bun while the cook's back is turned and stuffs it into his new bag* have you seen the captain around lately?

2006-03-13 [DarkRedKrueger]: Emilia looks around for two cups and grabs a bag of coffee grounds, grabbing twos piece of paper to place over the cups and pours a few grounds on the paper, then she heats some water. Emilia pours the heated water over the ground slowly, the water going absorbs the taste of the grounds and the flavored water soaks through the paper.

2006-03-13 [Ikari]: Daemoin walks into the kitchen after hitting his head on the door frame once more and curses

2006-03-13 [DarkRedKrueger]: Emilia removes the paper from each with the brounds in the middle after the cups are semi full, adding some sugar and cream to her coffee. She then throws the paper away and picks the cups up, handing the other cup to Dae, "Didn't know what you wanted in it."

2006-03-13 [Ikari]: Daemoin takes the cup into his hands gently and sips it even though it is hot "Either way is fine, and thank you.."

2006-03-13 [DarkRedKrueger]: Emilia smiles and walks out the door and heads for the Deck, "So where are we headed to this time?"

2006-03-13 [Ikari]: Daemoin follows out behind her and looks at the coffee "Kotakuri Port..."

2006-03-14 [japegrin]: *walks in remembering to duck at the door* Hello Emilia, what's for supper?

2006-03-30 [~I'm So Confused~]: *sits in the mess hall waiting for someone to come in and order something...picks up the galley and works on her speciality dish...........Steak and Potatoes with gravy and beer chicken*

2006-04-02 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ looks around as he enters ~ i want some of the hardest beer you have along with today's special!

2006-04-09 [~Ithika~]: Blaze glances around as she ducks through the door. Smiling, she asks, "What have you lot got round here to eat?"

2006-04-09 [~Ithika~]: Without service, Blaze nicks a bun and heads back out on deck, tearing peices of bread from the roll.

2006-04-09 [Ace118]: mmm

2006-04-10 [japegrin]: Yes, i tend to agree. Cook has marvelous food. but the drinks are good too. *swipes a mug of mead* see you!

2006-04-10 [Ace118]: bye

2006-04-16 [Illona]: Magiere smelt around and smiled gently, she walke din and began to look around.

2006-04-17 [Illona]: Magiere became boried so she left and went to the Pirates Pub.

2006-04-18 [Ace118]: food


2006-04-19 [japegrin]: hate to eat and run but it's lunch time and you know got to go. bye^-^

2006-04-20 [Ace118]: same

2006-04-21 [Bookwyrm]: Aine slips into the kitchen quietly, Voodoo trotting happily behind her. Finding the cream she takes a shallow bowl from her bag and pours some of the cream into it...alternating with some hot water to warm it up. When the bowl is full she carries it off to her quarters, Voodoo meowing hungrily behind her.

2006-04-28 [Ace118]: aw citty

2006-04-28 [Ace118]: I can smell somthing yummy

2006-05-07 [DarkRedKrueger]: Emilia steps into the kitchen and over to the fridge, grabbing a clean mug from the counter and opens the fridge door tilting the tub of stored water over her mug. Tilts the tub back when her mug is full and shuts the door, leaving the kitchen.

2006-05-07 [someelf]: Rhanii putted the potatoes in the closet and the vegtables in the frigde. "Umm.. The rum can stand there." She pointed in a corner.

2006-05-07 [KnightAngel]: Amrod nodded and walked over and carefully placed the keg down. "Anything else you need?" He asked with a smile as he whiped the sweat from his forehead.

2006-05-07 [someelf]: "Want some ice tea first? Before we get the rest." Rhanii didn't waited for an answer. "I made ice tea this morning and it's now all cool and yumm." She poured him a glass. "I need some milk, eggs, and flower.. And some cacao too. Some beans and other.." Rhanii sucked on the back of the pen she was making notes with while talking to Amrod.

2006-05-07 [KnightAngel]: Amrod nodded and noticed that things such as the cacao would be difficult to retrieve, but not impossible though.

2006-05-07 [someelf]: Rhanii smiled and looked thoughtfull, out of nowhere she suddenly asked. "Like your ice tea?"

2006-05-07 [KnightAngel]: Amrod smiled and nodded and took another sip. "Very tasty."

2006-05-07 [someelf]: Rhanii smiled proudly "I learned it from my foster-my mother. I mean." She looked away and blushed. "I better go alone." She changed the subject and left almost atmidely out of embaresment.

2006-05-07 [KnightAngel]: Amrod stopped her by gently grabbing her arm. "Don't be ashamed about that you grew up in a fosterfamily... I did some part as well.. Untill I ran away and studied the arts of healing then decided to go after my father... Wherever he might be.."

2006-05-07 [Ikari]: Ikari walks down into the kitchen and looks around for something to drink.

2006-05-07 [someelf]: "You never grew up in the jungle did you?" She looked at him and was quiet. "Or got into someone's home unwillingly when your seven?" She blinked and tears came up. "I'm not ashamed. I'm just.." She shrugged and just looked down fiddeling with her tail.

2006-05-07 [Ikari]: Ikari stands behind Rhanii "Just what.." he askes as he sips his tea.

2006-05-07 [someelf]: Rhanii blushed and turned. "Nothing sir." She lowerd her eyes and ears while turning.

2006-05-07 [KnightAngel]: Amrod lowered his hand. "Maybe not... But I lived by own hands since I was thirteen.. I have then after beeing old enough traveled far and wide to find some information on who my true parents was and where I might find them... Just to find that my father is the only one left."

2006-05-07 [someelf]: Rhanii blushed and turned again. "Sorry to hear.." Her ears where so low now that they praticly hided in her hair and her tail hung low.

2006-05-07 [KnightAngel]: Amrod gently smiled. "Don't worry... I am glad for it... Otherwise I wouldn't have ended up on this ship.... And then I wouldn't have gotten to this place where I have met you..." He smiled softly to her.

2006-05-07 [Ikari]: Ikari places his hand on Rhanii's head and rubs her ears softly "Dont worry about it"

2006-05-07 [someelf]: Rhanii blushed even more and her fur furred up a bit. "I.. I have to go.." She nodded both to Ikari and Amrod and ran away.

2006-05-07 [Ikari]: Ikari watches as she leaves and chuckles

2006-05-07 [KnightAngel]: Amrod smiles then turns to Ikari. "What causes you to be down here by the way? I mean, is there anything I can help you with?"

2006-05-07 [Ikari]: Ikari turns to Amrod and sips his tea "Just getting a drink"

2006-05-07 [KnightAngel]: Amrod nods. "Okay... Oh yeah by the way... How is the captain doing? No sideeffects from moving so soon I hope?"

2006-05-07 [Ikari]: Ikari shakes his head "She is fine. Although she had become abit distant"

2006-05-07 [KnightAngel]: Amrod nods. "Okay, well incase you notice anything then report to me or the other surgeon at once... I mean it!"

2006-05-07 [Ikari]: Ikari salutes "Yes sir"

2006-05-07 [KnightAngel]: Amrod smiled amused at Ikari. "It isn't a order... It is just a dangerous action she did to move so soon... She might have healed well enough but I can't be sure... So for the sake of the captain then report if there is something alarmingly different about her manners... Such as sudden short time faints or the like..."

2006-05-07 [Ikari]: Ikari nods once more and smiles "Hey where did Rhanii go?"

2006-05-07 [KnightAngel]: Amrod blinks and looks up the stair. "Somewhere up there... Don't know where exactly... Why?"

2006-05-07 [Ikari]: Ikari chuckles some and sets his cup down "She was blushing awfuly hard when I showed up. I think she might have a thing for you..."

2006-05-07 [KnightAngel]: Amrod looked up with slightly flushed cheeks and a comical look of surprise and confusion and then finally embarrasment.

2006-05-07 [Ikari]: Ikari chuckles again and smiles more

2006-05-07 [KnightAngel]: Amrod lowered his head to hide his face under what little hair that fell over to cover it.

2006-05-07 [Ikari]: Ikari laughs abit and pats Amrods head.

2006-05-07 [KnightAngel]: Amrod keeps his flushed face hidden under the strands of hair and by keeping it lowered.

2006-05-07 [Ikari]: Ikari shakes his head "Come on, lets find her"

2006-05-08 [KnightAngel]: Amrod nods and stands up. "Okay."

2006-05-08 [Ikari]: Ikari adjusts his sword and turns around heading back up the stairs

2006-05-08 [KnightAngel]: Amrod grabs his bag which had fallen off the holder he had in his belt just for that and placed it on the holder and clipped the containingclip in place.

2006-05-08 [someelf]: Rhanii carried in Amrod's arms was brought into the kitchen. And in one of the corners of the kitchen in a darker spot a matra was spread down supposed to be Rhanii's sleeping place.

2006-05-08 [KnightAngel]: Amrod layed her down gently on the bunk and tried gently to free his arm from her tail's clutch.

2006-05-08 [someelf]: Rhanii mumbled softly and clinged even more.

2006-05-08 [KnightAngel]: Amrod blushed brighter yet and mumbled embarrased to himself while trying to free himself once again without awakening her.

2006-05-08 [someelf]: Rhanii mumbled a soft 'Amrod...' and then actuely sat up and clung upon Amrod fully, her arms wraped around him and she softly nuzzled then letted him go and she unclung her tail slightly, mumbeling softly..

2006-05-08 [KnightAngel]: Amrod blushed brighter and studdered to himself silently then snapped out of it enough to regain control over his body and went over and layed a blanket around her then smiled and caressed her cheek and went out of the kitchen and went to find Ikari to tell he had found her.

2006-05-08 [someelf]: Rhanii purred of the stroking of her cheek and curled up under the blanket purring softly.

2006-05-08 [KnightAngel]: Amrod smiled softly then continued the last steps up the stairs to the deck to find Ikari.

2006-05-08 [someelf]: After a while Rhanii woke up slightly then mumbled something about something cold against her back and found out she was in the kitchen and leaned against some pot. "Huh..?" She blinked shrugged and fell back asleep again.

2006-05-09 [Ace118]: food?

2006-05-09 [someelf]: Rhanii woke up of someone's voice. "Hmm? Want some food?" She blinked and rubbed her eye when stitting up.

2006-05-09 [someelf]: Rhanii shrugged after trying to see if there was someone and stood up and made dinner for everyone. After an half hour she clinged the food bell that dinner was ready.

2006-05-09 [KnightAngel]: Amrod came down the stairs and smiled all over as he saw Rhanii and waved then continued on to go get something to eat.

2006-05-09 [someelf]: Rhanii smiled and waved back almost she forgot to hold the pot she was carrying around. "Whooh" She luckyly caught and brought it to the tables.

2006-05-09 [KnightAngel]: Amrod chuckled softly and smiled more and grabbed a bowl. "hello!" He said to Rhanii

2006-05-09 [someelf]: Rhanii blushed brightly. "H-Hello Amrod." She smiled and turned, her tail had a nice ribbon around the tip with a small bell that clinged while she turned.

2006-05-09 [KnightAngel]: Amrod sighed softly with a content crooked smile as his eyes turned into a dreamy state as he watched her.

2006-05-09 [someelf]: Rhanii was sturring her spoon in the sauce and blinked when she noticed she got watched at and turned and looked at Amrod and blushed even more when she noticed he stared at her. "S-something wrong?" She asked softly.

2006-05-09 [KnightAngel]: Amrod awoke when he saw she had noticed him staring and blushed brightly. "Erh... Erh.. No! Just admiring your ribbon..." He realized himself how weird that sounded but hoped she wouldn't take offence.

2006-05-09 [someelf]: Rhanii looked down at her tail and smiled. "Thanks." She grinned and turned to sturr.

2006-05-09 [KnightAngel]: Amrod blushed and mumbled embarrased. "Your welcome..." He then lowered his head and stared into the bowl while playing with the spoon in it, his face beeing a bright red.

2006-05-09 [someelf]: She chuckled softly then turned agai. "So what do you want?" She holded her arms open for the buffet.

2006-05-09 [KnightAngel]: Amrod smiled and grabbed some of each there.

2006-05-09 [someelf]: Rhanii purred softly and wished him a lovely dinner.

2006-05-09 [KnightAngel]: Amrod blushed softly then thanked and wished the same.

2006-05-09 [someelf]: She nodded and continued to sturr after he left.

2006-05-09 [KnightAngel]: Amrod sat down by one of the tables and started to hungrily eat the food then looked up with a smile. "Best meal I ever had!" He announced cheerfully.

2006-05-09 [someelf]: Rhanii smiled and offerd him more when sitting down at the oppitiste of him.

2006-05-09 [KnightAngel]: Amrod blushed softly as he watched her and her beautiful features then nodded and thanked her.

2006-05-09 [someelf]: Rhanii smiled and ate her own food aswell her little bell clinging because she sweeped her tail from left to right.

2006-05-09 [KnightAngel]: Amrod smiled and he went into a calm almost hypnotized state while watching her and hearing the bell's nearly rythmich clinging.

2006-05-09 [someelf]: Rhanii noticed he was staring at her again but she didn't say anything she just bluched and poked her food with her fork looking at him in her eyecorner.

2006-05-09 [KnightAngel]: Amrod sighed softly a content sigh and just looked at her beauty with a slightly crooked smile.

2006-05-09 [someelf]: "You okay?" She looked at him worried now. "You look so pale and your cheeks are so red." She stroked his cheek and forehead. "And your all sweaty." She looked very worried now and stood up too look at him closer, and hung almost over the table to look at him.

2006-05-09 [KnightAngel]: Amrod blushed brightly as he noticed her sudden attention and held his hand up to his cheek where her soft hand had touched and a secret smile was quickly hided as he moved his hand infront of his mouth where he had to cough to regain his ability to talk without revealing things to obvious. "I am fine... Just... Just the heat from the ovens I suppose..." He said quickly, too quickly even though he stumbled a bit over the words.

2006-05-09 [someelf]: Rhanii blinked. "But.. The ovens arn't on since an half hour ago." She blinked and saw him become more redish. "You sure you're alright?" She felt on his forehead again. "You're awfully warm too."

2006-05-09 [KnightAngel]: Amrod could scent her sweet fragrance and blushed even brighter as he got a view of her frontal feature's most "obvious" points and could feel his cheeks burn and his blood starting to boil but remained with some effort calm on the surface except for his increasingly blushing cheeks. "Erh.. Yes I am sure and well it is still kind of warm to me..." He closed his eyes as her hand was placed on his forehead which was pleasently cooler and almost incredibly soft.

2006-05-09 [someelf]: She blushed too, yet not as much as Amrod did. "Feeling better now? Should I get an icepack?"

2006-05-09 [KnightAngel]: Amrod smiled softly and nodded reassuringly. "Yes and no it's okay I'm fine."

2006-05-09 [someelf]: She lifted up her hand from his forehead and smiled and resitted. "Good. Good to hear." She blushed

2006-05-09 [KnightAngel]: Amrod smiled and almost leaned forward to touch her cheek then disguised it as if he wanted to grab the salt. "Glad to hear you is so conserned about my health..." His already brightly blushed cheeks turn into a even brighter red.

2006-05-09 [someelf]: She blushed by this. "I.. Just don't want you to become sick.." She blushed a bit more and smiled.

2006-05-09 [KnightAngel]: "I'm a surgeon... If it was I would easily be able to discover it and cure it... And I became a surgeon cause I have more stronger defence against disease then others seem to have." He smiled back with a slight grin hidden underneath his gentle smile.

2006-05-09 [someelf]: Rhanii nodded. "Of course. You're right." She blushed of her stupidity and threw her drink over. "Oh my! I'm so sorry!" She stood up and ran tot he kitchen and came back with a towel and saw her lemonade had reached Amrod's seat where he sat. "You stay there." She pointed and dried every wet and sticky lemonade place. "You okay?" She grinned and blushed of embaressement. "So sorry." She bowed in aplogizing way.

2006-05-09 [KnightAngel]: Amrod chuckled softly and leaned gently unnoticed by himself forward and gently caressed her cheek. "It's okay and you don't have to be sorry... It's an accident.. It can happen for anyone." He smiled gently as he caressed her cheek softly then when realizing what he did he gently removed his hand, but the imprint of her soft fur under his hand's touch was still there for a while and the feeling gave him soft shivers of delights down the core of his spine but outwards he looked the same.

2006-05-09 [someelf]: When Amrod caressed her cheek she had purred softly and under her fur she was completly red from top to toe and smiled in a giggely way. "Glad you think that it isn't that bad." Her tail had sweeped so wildly she hated some other people with it and she even didn't noticed that she gave a blue eye to one of her comrads with her bell.

2006-05-09 [KnightAngel]: Amrod who noticed chuckled softly then returned to watching her with a soft smile.

2006-05-09 [someelf]: Rhanii blushed. "I should go and wash the dishes."

2006-05-09 [KnightAngel]: Amrod shook his head as if awoken from a dream yet his eyes still tingled with the memory of the dream. "Okay... See you soon?" He asked hopefully.

2006-05-09 [someelf]: "Yes you most proberly will." She took his dishes along and walked back to her kitchen to do the dishes, her hips seductivly going from left to right and her tail clinging softly on the way.

2006-05-09 [KnightAngel]: Amrod sighed as his eyes half closed dreamily followed her tail's and hips' movements.

2006-05-09 [someelf]: Rhanii dissapeared into the kitchen.

2006-05-09 [someelf]: Rhanii appeared once again careing loads of boils.

2006-05-09 [KnightAngel]: Amrod smiled to her again and in a way that could look like a lazy or sleepy waved to her.

2006-05-09 [someelf]: Rhanii tried to wave back but the boils where to heavy and she putted them down on the useal place and then waved back she blushed.

2006-05-09 [KnightAngel]: Amrod smiled in a drugged way, though he wasn't drugged by actual "drugs".

2006-05-09 [someelf]: She chuckled and shook her head quietly and walked back to the kitchen.

2006-05-11 [someelf]: Later on Rhanii came back, she thought for a moment and then walked out the kitchen in her own thougths and walked up to Ambrosia's Quarterdeck sitting their on a barrel.

2006-05-11 [KnightAngel]: Amrod blinked then followed after her.

2006-05-13 [Angelic nightmares]: Once in the kitchen, Emma snoops around, for her hidden biscuits. "Ahha!" she says, and pulls them out from a drawer. "Oh!" she then moves to the fridge, and gets the jelly.

2006-05-13 [Ikari]: Ikari walks in and looks around slightly then leans against a table

2006-05-13 [someelf]: Soup is softly bubbeling on the stove on a low level. Chicken soup to be more precise.

2006-05-13 [Angelic nightmares]: Emma makes up a plate, with biscuits and jelly, and then sits at a table, and motions for Dae to join her

2006-05-13 [Ikari]: Ikari walks over and sits down at the table

2006-05-13 [Angelic nightmares]: Emma moves the plate so its between them. "Eat up"

2006-05-13 [Ikari]: Ikari takes a biscuit and eats it slwoly

2006-05-13 [Angelic nightmares]: Emma nibbles on the corner of a biscuit, and grins at Dae

2006-05-14 [Ikari]: Ikari scuffs down two of them and burps

2006-05-14 [Angelic nightmares]: Emma giggles, and hands him a bottle of rum

2006-05-14 [Ikari]: Ikari gently takes the bottle and chugs it

2006-05-14 [Angelic nightmares]: "You were hungry. And thirsty" Emma said holding back a laugh

2006-05-14 [-dot-]: And now we leave

2006-05-14 [Ikari]: Ikari laughs abit and looks at the captain "Thanks for the food Emma"

2006-05-14 [Angelic nightmares]: "Your welcome Dae" she says smiling

2006-05-15 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ looks at emma and bows ~

2006-05-15 [Angelic nightmares]: Emma smiles some, and nods her head

2006-05-15 [Ikari]: Ikari scrunches his nose up slightly from the flour and then sneezes blowing the flour all over the kitchen.

2006-05-15 [Angelic nightmares]: Emma looks at him, and laughs, wiping the flour off his face

2006-05-15 [Ikari]: Ikari blinks and looks down at his clothes "I look like a ghost"

2006-05-15 [-dot-]: Leland yawns and softly farts

2006-05-15 [Angelic nightmares]: 'Go and change" Emma says tryin not to laugh, "I dont need the rest of the crew thinkin you are a ghost"

2006-05-15 [Ikari]: Ikari shakes his head and looks around

2006-05-15 [Angelic nightmares]: Emma pulls a pair of her fathers clothes from a bag. "Use these. It usually gets messy in here, and I normally come prepared"

2006-05-15 [-dot-]: Leland shakes his head "You would disgrace your fathers name by letting that thing wear his clothes? He'd be ashamed"

2006-05-15 [Angelic nightmares]: "No he wouldnt" Emma said sternly! "I could never dissapoint him"

2006-05-15 [-dot-]: Leland shakes his head again, "By just having that inbred peon onboard is a disgrace to every ship everywhere"

2006-05-15 [Angelic nightmares]: "Leland, keep your mouth shut, if your gonna talk trash about my crew!"

2006-05-15 [-dot-]: "He's not a part of the crew, remember, you told him to leave"

2006-05-15 [Angelic nightmares]: Hes got a contract! A contract in which he himself, said to never leave my side

2006-05-15 [Ikari]: Ikari looks between the two as he stands in Jack's clothing.

2006-05-15 [-dot-]: Leland wipes a tear from his eye, "And we've got a captain who can't stick to her word or control her crew, and who disgraces the memory of a great man by letting him wear his clothes"

2006-05-15 [Angelic nightmares]: Emma smiles at Dae, and then nods a slight nod. She leaves and heads towards The capt's quaters

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